Date Nights After Baby
With Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away, let’s talk about having date night once you're a parent! Having a night out with your partner is such an important part of any relationship, including the one you have with your child. It’s true! Having “adult only” time can...
Crib to Bed Transition FAQs
The transition from crib to bed is a big move for both child & parent. Literally overnight, your child becomes a little less BABY and a little more BIG KID. I’ve put together the most frequently asked questions I get in my email inbox & on Instagram about this...
Baby Sleep Schedules
Having a nap & bedtime schedule for your baby can be enormously helpful in both structuring your day and helping them sleep better. But the world of baby sleep schedules can be overwhelming and confusing. I want to help you nail down an age-appropriate schedule...
Baby & Toddler Gift Guide
The holidays are upon us and I want to help you build your wish list. Some of my favorite baby & toddler products make great gifts & stocking stuffers. And don’t worry, I’ve included some of my favorite parent-products too because what are the holidays if...
Travel Checklist for Your Child
Traveling with children brings a whole new level of anxiety to the thought of, “Did I forget something?” While all of your things may fit nicely inside the packing cubes of your small carry-on, packing for your children probably feels like you’re bringing along the...
5 Tips for Surviving Jet Lag with Your Baby
So, you’re traveling. Across multiple time zones. With a baby. Before you venture out, I want to make sure you’re armed with all the information you need keep sleep on track so everyone can enjoy their time away. So how do you maintain good sleep habits while on...
Does Sleep Training Cause Stress?
A common sleep training question I get from parents is whether or not their babies will be stressed during the process. With so much misinformation circulating the internet, it’s a natural worry. As someone with a background in psychology and child development, I want...
Nightmares vs. Night Terrors
Nightmares and night terrors are a normal (though icky) part of the childhood experience. But most of the time, they are more frightening for the parent than they are for the child. There is truly nothing worse than being awoken by the sound of a terrified scream...
Dream Feed: Pros & Cons
A popular piece of parenting advice when it comes to overnight sleep struggles is the dream feed.What is a dream feed? A dream feed is when you offer your child a feeding before you go to bed (usually between 9pm-11pm) in hopes that they sleep a longer stretch. The...