by Jamie Labbe | Apr 4, 2022 | Baby Sleep, Breastfeeding, Night Weaning, Parenting, Sleep, Sleep Props, Sleep Tips, Toddler Sleep
Dropping the Bedtime Bottle Bottles (and feedings in general) are an important part of your child’s bedtime routine during the first year of their life. Bottles help fill up your child’s tank and prepare them for a 10-12 hour long stretch of overnight sleep (once they...
by Jamie Labbe | Jul 7, 2020 | Baby Sleep, Healthy Sleep, Mom Life, Night Weaning, Parenting, Regressions, Self Soothing, Sleep, Sleep Coaching, Sleep Schedules, Sleep Science, Sleep Tips, Sleep Training
5 Reasons Why Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping Well If you’re Type A like me, you love a good checklist. So, I figured I would give you one to run through if you’re experiencing sleep struggles with your baby. If your baby is not sleep trained then #1 is the one and...
by Jamie Labbe | Apr 21, 2020 | Baby Sleep, Healthy Sleep, Mom Life, Naps, Night Weaning, Parenting, Self Soothing, Sleep, Sleep Coaching, Sleep Tips, Sleep Training, Toddler Sleep
How to Start Sleep Training If you’ve decided to sleep train, you might be wondering where the heck to start. With Google at our fingertips and sleep classes only a click away, information is endless. But how do you know which method to choose? Once you choose a...
by Jamie Labbe | Mar 20, 2020 | Baby Sleep, Breastfeeding, Healthy Sleep, Night Weaning, Sleep, Sleep Coaching, Sleep Props, Sleep Tips, Sleep Training
When Can I Night Wean? When babies wake up crying in the middle of the night, it can be quite difficult to determine the underlying reason. Are they hungry? Are they uncomfortable? Are they sick? Or are they just looking for help falling back to sleep? Because our...