Why Should I Hire A Sleep Coach?

by | Nov 17, 2020

With all the free resources at our fingertips in today’s day and age, many parents tell me that they feel silly that they can’t “figure out” their baby’s sleep struggles on their own. Here’s what I tell them: I’ve spent years of my life dedicated to pediatric sleep. I’ve taken courses, obtained certifications, and spent more hours than I’d like to admit elbow deep in sleep books. This has become my entire professional focus, and I’m still learning new things every day. Without having it be your area of expertise, there is honestly no reason why you should know everything there is to know about baby sleep.

But you are an expert on your baby, so if we blend your expertise with mine, we can make some sleep magic happen. Here’s why it can be helpful to outsource the “sleep stuff” to a professional.

1. You’ll be guided by a sleep expert

A professional sleep specialist has the experience and training to quickly recognize which behaviors and patterns are causing issues and can easily explain why those things may not be serving you or your baby well. After working with hundreds of families in all types of situations, we’ve seen it all and can guide you through it all too!

2. You get a personalized process

If you have more than one child, you know all too well how different their sleep can be, even when you’ve done the exact same things with each of them. No two babies are alike so why should their sleep plans be!? When working privately with a sleep coach, everyone gets something a little different and we’ll be able to tailor the process specifically to your baby’s needs and family’s goals. Generic methods, books, and online programs are created to be generalized to the many whereas working 1:1 with a sleep coach yields you a process that is personalized to your baby. This can save you weeks (and even months) of frustrating struggles and late nights that frankly most parents don’t have the bandwidth to navigate (nor should you!) Focus on being the best parent, partner, and person you can be and leave the sleep stuff to me!

3. You’ll have a comprehensive approach

I can’t speak for every sleep coach out there, but I know that with Oh Baby, sleep solutions are holistically, comprehensively, and intentionally crafted and shared. When we work together, we are going to go beyond helping your baby start sleeping through the night or napping longer and do a deeper dive into the WHATS, HOWS, and WHYS of your specific sleep issues. You’re going to learn how to solve the root of your baby’s sleep struggles which will not only help you see success quickly, but make sure it is long-lasting too.

4. All your questions will be answered

Let’s face it: we’ve all been in a situation where we’ve heard or learned something but then struggle to apply it to our lives or find ourselves with one million nuanced questions that the FAQ sections or public forums just don’t answer. When you work 1:1 with a sleep coach, you can get real-time support and guidance for your specific questions and in-the-moment handholding through scenarios that no one could have predicted. Whether you need help troubleshooting a tricky situation, you’re second-guessing awake times after a short nap, or need some accountability and encouragement through the tough stuff, having a sleep coach in your corner is invaluable. Books and blogs can’t possibly index every situation that may arise, but a real live human can!

Not everyone needs the guidance and support of a sleep coach, but for many families it can be the key differentiator between months of confusing struggles and frustrating nights and clarity towards easy sleep solutions. Working with a sleep coach will give you tangible, targeted guidance based on years of education and experience, will help keep you motivated, and will give you the tools and support you need to troubleshoot anything unique to your situation.

So, if you’re reading this at 2am and wondering whether pulling the trigger and outsourcing the “sleep stuff” is worth it, take this as your sign that HECK YES IT IS, and I can help.

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If you’re exhausted, totally overwhelmed by your child’s sleep habits, or looking for answers to the sleep questions that keep you up at night (literally), then you’ve come to the right place. I’m Jamie, founder of Oh Baby Consulting, and my goal is to help your family get the sleep you need to not just survive, but thrive!

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