

Introducing a Lovey

Introducing a Lovey

You may be wondering if your child would sleep better or even just would prefer a lovey, stuffed animal, or other comfort item in their crib. But before you introduce a bedtime buddy, here’s what you need to know:What is a lovey? A lovey is an object that your child...

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Getting Your Child Out of Your Bed

Getting Your Child Out of Your Bed

Co-sleeping/bed-sharing is a common practice among many families. Most bed-sharing families fall into one of two categories: Parents who are reactively co-sleeping because their child doesn’t sleep any other way (These parents are looking to get their child out of...

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When Can I Sleep Train?

When Can I Sleep Train?

Do a Google search for, “What age can I sleep train my baby?” and you’ll be bombarded with a wide variety of answers – many conflicting! Some places may tell you that you can sleep train a newborn. Others will say that you can't do anything until 4 months. Others will...

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What Is Sleep Training?

What Is Sleep Training?

You may have heard of sleep training but are wondering exactly what it is and what it involves. You may be wondering about sleep training methods and which one is right for your situation. I want to share all about sleep training: the myths and misconceptions, the...

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Dropping the Bedtime Bottle

Dropping the Bedtime Bottle

Bottles (and feedings in general) are an important part of your child’s bedtime routine during the first year of their life. Bottles help fill up your child’s tank and prepare them for a 10-12 hour long stretch of overnight sleep (once they no longer need to eat...

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How to Handle an Off-Track Day of Sleep

How to Handle an Off-Track Day of Sleep

Once your child is on a consistent & predictable sleep schedule, it can be daunting to think about deviating from it, even for just one day. Sometimes off-track days are unplanned and you just have to roll with it. Other times, you may have planned events or...

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Sleep Training & Attachment

Sleep Training & Attachment

Baby sleep is such a hot-button topic, and approaches to baby sleep are passionately debated on social media, in mom’s groups, and even within families. Oftentimes the arguments against sleep training include things like “sleep training damages the attachment...

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Developmental Leaps & Sleep Regressions

Developmental Leaps & Sleep Regressions

Sleep regressions. I’m pretty sure that the most Googled question ever is, “Is there a(n) [insert any month here] sleep regression?” With milestone-tracking apps and endless information about baby “leaps”, I want to break down what sleep regressions truly are and how...

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